Upstate Upset – Case Study
It is a beautiful late August day and you are mountain biking on a single-track trail in Upstate NY. Your friend Laura is doing about Mach 7, hits a big root and spectacularly flies over the handlebars to land on her belly. You find her on her side on the ground. You are happy she […]
Easy Andes or Soroche or Bust! – Case Study
You have been told that getting altitude experience is quick and easy in the Andes of Ecuador, and being from flatland Ohio, that sounds good, prior to your planned climb of Denali (Mt. McKinley). However, between you and your 2 climbing buddies, you can only get a 5 day window to get down there and […]
What is your motivation to work as a medical professional?
In this series we asked undergraduate students what questions they had for physicians and nurses. Check out the answers below! If you are a pre-health student we suggest that you check out our Ready, Set, Applyseries! This series is to help guide Pre-Med students through the medical school application process. To subscribe to this series […]
What is your favorite Zebra?
In this series we asked undergraduate students what questions they had for physicians and nurses. Check out the answers below! If you are a pre-health student we suggest that you check out ourReady, Set, Apply series! This series is to help guide Pre-Med students through the medical school application process. To subscribe to this series […]
Terrific Pacific? – Case Study
You are part of a wilderness medicine class staying at a small eco-resort on Costa Rica’s Southern Pacific coast. Your super nice and cool instructor gives you an afternoon off. You and three buddies decide to head down to the beach, about a quarter mile down a gravel road from the lodge. It is about […]
What is your most memorable moment as a healthcare professional?
In this series we asked undergraduate students what questions they had for physicians and nurses. Check out the answers below! If you are a pre-health student we suggest that you check out our Ready, Set, Apply series! This series is to help guide Pre-Med students through the medical school application process. To subscribe to this […]
What was your true motivation through undergrad and medical or nursing school?
In this series we asked undergraduate students what questions they had for physicians and nurses. Check out the answers below! If you are a pre-health student we suggest that you check out our Ready, Set, Apply series! This series is to help guide Pre-Med students through the medical school application process. To subscribe to this […]
What is your strategy for dealing with unruly patients?
In this series we asked undergraduate students what questions they had for physicians and nurses. Check out the answers below! If you are a pre-health student we suggest that you check out our Ready, Set, Apply series! This series is to help guide Pre-Med students through the medical school application process. To subscribe to this […]
Ready, Set, Apply – How to Study for the MCAT
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]By: Alessandra Santiago The MCAT. The Great Academic Equalizer. No matter how well you perform in your undergraduate or post-bacc program, there is no replacing a poor MCAT score. As you embark upon the testing odyssey, bring along your finest time management and retention skills on the journey. You’ll need them. So, when is the best time […]
Ready, Set, Apply – Letters of Recommendation
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]By: Alessandra Santiago This fall semester begins the year-long countdown to submitting medical school applications. For many students, this is an academic year of unique stressors, both academic and personal. Now more than ever, time management is crucial to stay on top of the growing list of to-do items for submitting applications. At the start […]
Boat Flip – Case Study
‘Dacks Dips – It is a beautiful, but hot and muggy July afternoon and you and five buddies are canoeing the Adirondacks in three boats, on day two of a three-day paddle. You are in the middle of one of the larger lakes when a thunderstorm rolls through. The thunder you barely heard five or […]
Ready, Set, Apply – Welcome & Orientation
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]By: Alessandra Santiago Welcome to the inaugural article for our 2021 Med School Application Guide! Over the next ten months, we will walk you through the timelines, deadlines, and requirements on the American Medical College Application System (AMCAS). We will offer insight into each component of the AMCAS application, from when to sign up for the MCAT to when (and […]
Case Study – June Newsletter 2019
Sweet View – It is 5 pm on a late June day up in the Central Rockies. You and your BFF are on a hiking trail at about 8500 feet when you come across a gentleman sitting alone, right in the middle of the trail. As you approach you say hello, but he doesn’t respond. […]
Case Study – May Newsletter 2019
First Descent – You are doing an alpine ascent of a remote 13’er in Colorado’s Collegiate Range. You summit just as clouds and mist drop down to engulf you. After a quick handshake with your three buddies you hurriedly begin your descent. Somehow, in the thick clouds—like being inside a ping pong ball—you get off […]
Boulder Tumble – Case Study
Rock Jock Doc – You and a friend are climbing at a local crag. As you take a break to eat some lunch another friend who was climbing a couple of routes over, and who knows you took this cool WFR class, comes running up and, out of breath, manages to spit out that a […]
Heat Exhaustion – Case Study
Yolo Abuelo Case Study It is day two of a four-day trek to Ciudad Perdida, or the Lost City, in the foothills of Colombia’s Sierra Nevada mountains. There are 17 of you, 15 gringos (almost all from Europe) and two local guides. Everyone is trekking with just daypacks as the food and lodging are provided […]
Snow Accident – Case Study
Glissade Aid Case Study After reaching the summit you are descending Buckeye Peak, an almost 13,000 foot peak in Colorado. You return to the top of the snow filled gully you laboriously ascended an hour or two earlier. The snow is deep but the avalanche hazard low. You pull out your ice axe—you’ve been dying […]
Burn – Case Study
Burn Out Case Study It’s late January and it’s been a long couple of weeks at work; you’re feeling a bit crispy after lots of holiday family visits and way too much overtime. You decide to head out for a weekend ski tour to a “secret” old mining cabin up above Breckenridge that you’ve been […]
Bike Accident – Case Study
Going for the Gold It is a beautiful September afternoon and the aspen are aglow. You and three friends (the “over the hill” gang of 50-somethings) are mountain biking down an old mining road up near Telluride. The brilliant fall foliage ignites your spirits and you and let ‘er rip. You are doing Mach 3 […]
Gaining the “Patient Perspective”
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]By: Alessandra Santiago As future healthcare professionals, we recommend that pre-med students put a premium on gaining experiences that confer a lens into the patient perspective (of which there are many). At CU Denver, we seek students who have applied what they’ve learned in the classroom to outside experiences, especially those that expose them to […]