Disaster Response Advanced First Aid (DRAFA)
- $295
- 1 Physical Challenge Rating (On Scale Of 1-5)
This three-day, 24 hour program prepares first responders (law enforcement, fire fighters, EMS personnel, etc.) and local citizens to identify and respond to common first aid, emergency, and serious medical situations in a disaster, as well as other austere environments. Emphasis is on preparation, preventions, assessment, and self-treatment of illness and/or injury. Instruction will include a combination of lecture, discussion, hands on practice, and scenarios. Participants, upon completion of the course and a passing grade on the final, are awarded a certificate of completion in Disaster Response Advanced First Aid.
To look at the syllabus for the course, please click here.
To read a report on the project in conjunction with Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands, please see this document: CNMI #2 Report.